Frequently Asked Questions
Frequently Asked Questions
If you don't find the answer to your question, feel free to contact us.
The Organization
The Organization
How can I support Eckington P​arks & Arts?
How can I support Eckington P​arks & Arts?
Become a member* for the current calendar year by donating $60/individual or $100/two adults in a household, or by volunteering 12 hours a year (5 hours within the first 6 months). Seniors (65 years and older) can also become a Friend for just $30/individual per calendar year.
Donations of any amount are also separately accepted and appreciated. Suggested donations for dog park users are listed on our Home and Dog Park pages (the dog park uses much of our funds). Your monetary contribution is vital to our organization, and directly supports park events and activities, dog park waste bags and upgrades, and green space education and development in Eckington.
*Select the PayPal amount (i.e., $60, $100, $30 - seniors only) that corresponds with your membership preference. As we are a volunteer-run organization, please look for your welcome email within about 10 days.
Tanner Park
Tanner Park
What entity is managing the park?
What entity is managing the park?
The NoMA Parks Foundation led the construction of the park. Responsibility for maintenance of the park now lies with the DC Department of Parks and Recreation. , in coordination with the DC Department of General Services. Additionally, NoMA BID is contracted by the city to perform some routine cleanup and maintenance for the park. See below for more details on our partnerships with these organizations.
How can I report violations or misuse of the park?
How can I report violations or misuse of the park?
Please call the Department of Parks and Recreation (DPR) Park Ranger Hotline at (202) 441-2605. If there is an immediate safety concern due to dangerous or illegal activity, please contact the DC Metropolitan Police Department at 911.
How do I report maintenance and repair issues?
How do I report maintenance and repair issues?
Please submit a request through the DC Department of General Services (DGS) to report maintenance and repair issues with the park, playground, and dog park. DGS fulfills service requests for the DC Department of Parks and Recreation. For issues related to park lawn mowing and plant/tree upkeep, please submit a request through 311. Please also send us a quick email so we can keep track of problems and help ensure that requests are fulfilled. For issues with dog park cleaning or provision of dog waste bags, please contact us at EckingtonParks@gmail.com.
How do I reserve park space for my event?
How do I reserve park space for my event?
Park use permits are regulated by the DC Department of Parks and Recreation (DPR). Per DPR guidelines, residents are required to visit the DPR permitting website to create an account and obtain a permit for any gathering of more than 10 people. Applications must be submitted at least 2 weeks ahead. DPR currently only reserves the the entire park for community events held be a recognized partner. Individuals and other groups may reserve the picnic table area. Use of the picnic tables and park spaces is otherwise first come, first serve for smaller events. Use of amplified music also requires DPR permission and must adhere to certain guidelines. No vehicles (including mopeds, dirt bikes, motorcycles, vans, cars, etc.) may be driven onto park property without express permission.
EP&A does not manage park use or reservations in Eckington. As a neighbor-run organization, we are also required to go through the DPR permitting office to gain park use permits for all our events!
Dog Park
Dog Park
Where do I report animal bites?
Where do I report animal bites?
Animal bites (to other animals), serious dog fights, and similar issues should be reported to DC Animal Control at (202) 576-6664. We also recommend contacting your veterinarian immediately - bite wounds can be hard to see, but are painful and at high risk of infection. If a person is bitten, please obtain vaccination information from the owner of the dog and immediately seek medical attention. Your healthcare provider should contact the DC Department of Health on your behalf.
What costs are covered by Eckington Parks & Arts to maintain the dog park?
What costs are covered by Eckington Parks & Arts to maintain the dog park?
As of 2023, Eckington Parks & Arts puts several thousand dollars a year toward dog park cleaning, waste bags, and improvements. EP&A was previously solely responsibly for all cleaning and material expenses; however, NoMA BID is currently subsidizing dog park cleaning so that our oganization can reserve funds for other advocacy and community activities. EP&A is donor-supported and receives no direct funds from the city.
How often is the dog park cleaned?
How often is the dog park cleaned?
The dog park is cleaned every Thursday morning around 6 or 7 am. Please keep this in mind when planning your visit, as the park closes during this time. Neighbors may be asked to leave the dog park early to allow for thorough cleaning.
Our Partnerships
Our Partnerships
What about Eckington Civic Association?
What about Eckington Civic Association?
Eckington Parks & Arts and the Eckington Civic Association (ECA) are two separate but complementary organizations, and we encourage neighbors to join both! ECA helped us get started back in 2019, and we continue to have an important partnership. While Eckington Parks & Arts handles park and green spaces, the dog park, and community cleanup and green-up advocacy and efforts, ECA focuses on civic advocacy, zoning and permitting, and helping connect neighbors to DC resources. We overlap and work together on shared advocacy interests, co-host monthly neighborhood cleanups, and jointly host occasional community events, like Eckington Day.
What are NoMA Parks Foundation & NoMA BID?
What are NoMA Parks Foundation & NoMA BID?
NoMa Parks Foundation is the reason we have Alethia Tanner Park! The organization acquired two-and-a-half acres of land along the Metropolitan Branch Trail in 2015-16, and then worked with the community to design the park in 2016 -17. Since the park opened in 2019, NoMA Parks Foundation has helped advise and assist Eckington Parks & Arts to ensure our success.
Partner organization NoMA BID keeps Tanner Park clean through routine public trash can emptying and other maintenance. They host events in the park, like the regular farmer's market and movie nights. Finally, NoMA BID collaborates with Eckington Parks & Arts on dog park cleaning and park improvements.
What's our relationship with DC agencies?
What's our relationship with DC agencies?
The Department of Parks and Recreation and Department of General Services are ultimately in charge of the park and responsible for more major maintenance issues, permitting for events, etc. In contrast, Eckington Parks & Arts is responsible for routine dog park cleaning, provision of dog waste bags, additional beautification of the main park, and broader impact advocacy and events involving the community. The Metropolitan Branch Trail is a bit more complicated, and involves partnerships and cooperative work between the Department of Transportation, Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority, and several local non-profits.
Our Anti-Discrimination Statement
Our Anti-Discrimination Statement
Eckington Parks & Arts does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion (creed), gender, gender expression, age, national origin (ancestry), disability, marital status, sexual orientation, or military status in any of its activities or operations. These activities include, but are not limited to, selection of board members, committee chairs, volunteers, and members, as well as community efforts, advocacy, education, and events. Eckington Parks & Arts is committed to providing an inclusive and welcoming environment for all community members.
We additionally do not condone the practice of dog breed discrimination in policy or law.